Aerospace – Defense – Government Services Lessons From Public Market Performance

What Drives High Performance In ADG Markets?

This Fairmont Analysis Brief examines trends in public market performance for aerospace, defense, government services, and related industries. Through data visualization of total returns to investors, Fairmont characterizes the relative market performance of key players across these sectors. Fairmont then addresses the underlying market themes that have bolstered value creation for high performers.

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Financial sponsors and corporate management teams are seeking unique insights that help them create value. With experience leading investors in ADG, 100+ strategy engagements, 100+ transactions worth $10B+ in total enterprise value, and 100+ collective person-years of A&D experience, Fairmont Consulting Group takes pride in providing robust, comprehensive analyses of businesses and the market and competitive dynamics that affect their outlook.

tool icon

Diligence of a manufacturer of composite components for commercial aircraft interiors

strategy icon

Strategic assessment of long-term demand for aircraft tooling

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Diligence of an aftermarket services provider offering specialized aerospace distribution

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