• Defense

  • Supporting Clients in Transactions and Strategy Engagements Across the Supply Chain

    Fairmont Consulting Group provides transaction and operational due diligence for defense companies, platforms, systems, hardware and services spanning all defense operational domains — from air to sea to ground to space to cyberspace.

Boston, Ma 02109

Executives and acquirers in the defense sector face a number of challenges and strategic questions as they seek to generate value during a time of great change for the industry. The post-Iraq/Afghanistan security environment remains highly unstable, and next-generation threats loom large in the minds of U.S. defense planners. Re-allocation of budgets to support more advanced platforms, systems and services is creating winners and losers as DoD and US allies prepare to face future threats.

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A sampling of strategic issues for the years ahead includes:

  • The outlook for the Department of Defense base budget and the impact of changing budget dynamics on strategy and planning
  • The outlook for the Overseas Contingency Operations budget, and potential spillover impact on platforms and systems as overseas activity winds down
  • The shifting mix of capabilities required to meet next-generation threats is driving force structure decisions which ultimately affect platforms, systems, technologies and services
  • The role and implementation of cybersecurity (both defensive and offensive) in the defense and intelligence establishment
  • The role and impact of industrial base planning in ensuring that the United States maintains critical capabilities which may be called upon to a more significant degree in the future
  • The evolution of unmanned systems – and related intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems – as the U.S. and its allies develop more sophisticated, long-range capabilities that can survive in non-permissive environments
  • International procurement outlook in light of the changing global security situation and U.S. force planning
Fairmont has supported a wide range of engagements across the defense sector, including:
  • manufacturer-icon

    Independent forecast assessment and growth strategy for a Tier 2/3 defense products firm

  • strategic-assessment-icon

    Diligence of a Tier 3 missile systems specialized component provider

  • aftermarket services icon

    Long-range business development strategy and planning for a defense prime pursuing a transformative multi-billion dollar naval program

  • tactical assessment icon

    Diligence of a unmanned aerial systems support services player

  • strategic-assessment-competitive-icon

    Planning, organization and strategic support for an executive off-site for a defense prime

  • aerospace-icon

    Diligence of a military shelter and expeditionary systems provider

  • manufacturer-icon

    Diligence of a Tier 2/3 military aviation technology and systems player


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