• Space

  • Supporting Clients in Transactions and Strategy Engagements Across the Space Sector

    Fairmont Consulting Group supports private equity and corporate clients in transactions and strategy engagements across the space sector including satellite and launch vehicle manufacturing, defense and national security space systems, civil space systems, satellite communications systems and services, remote sensing systems and services, and “New Space” opportunities.

Boston, Ma 02109

Executives and acquirers in the space sector find themselves facing a time of great change, bringing both opportunity and challenge. New space companies are opening new markets and gaining share against traditional space players. Mega-constellations of smaller satellites promising ubiquitous and affordable global communications connectivity are being planned and launched. Satellites are becoming smaller and more capable, and new launch vehicles both large and small are servicing a growing market demand. New threats to US space security and superiority are emerging that require a new approach to counter.

A sampling of strategic issues for the years ahead includes:
  • The rise of nimble and entrepreneurial “New Space” companies and implications for the space market’s competitive landscape
  • The plans for commercial satellite mega-constellations providing global data and communications connectivity, and how their success would impact existing satellite communications systems and services markets
  • The outlook for consolidation and vertical integration in the satellite and launch industries, and implications for the space supply chain and the competitive environment
  • The growing commercial space capabilities and to what degree DoD and NASA will procure commercial space services and systems rather than bespoke, traditional space systems
  • The real and growing threat environment in space, the DoD’s and Intelligence Community’s evolving approach to maintaining space superiority, and the resulting impacts to the space market and space industrial base
  • The shift away from larger and fewer monolithic satellites towards more resilient, smaller, distributed satellite constellations, and the resulting impact on the satellite manufacturing market landscape
  • The growth in launch demand to support distributed satellite constellation deployment and replenishment for both government and commercial needs, and the impact on both new and traditional launch players
  • The future of US human space exploration programs amid shifting political agendas and increasing federal budget pressure

Fairmont has supported a wide range of engagements across the Space sector, including:
  • performance-method-icon

    Analyzed impact of pandemic on satellite communications market outlook across fixed, airborne, consumer and enterprise users for a corporate client

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    Diligence of satellite communications equipment provider for private equity client

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    Diligence of components provider for launch systems for a private equity client

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    Diligence remote sensing / communications satellites and space robotics systems manufacturer for private equity client

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    Assessment of small satellite constellation market for corporate client considering growth strategies

  • manufacturing-factory-icon

    Assessment of small satellite constellation market for corporate client considering growth strategies


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